Freedcamp: in summary

Unlimited... for free!

Freedcamp allows you to take advantage of unlimited storage, with unlimited users, for unlimited projects... without fees. Manage tasks in a list or Kanban board, share calendars, files and passwords for free in one place. Keep track of time and collaborate anywhere with its mobile apps. This SaaS software lets you access your projects at all times through its online interface. Share your thoughts on interactive forums to keep the flow of ideas going!

Get everything done in one place

Freedcamp can be more than a project management tool. Rich integrations including Zapier and an open API make it a flexible and scalable solution. Premium features are also available to enrich your experience even further:

  • Take project management to the next level with recurring tasks, bulk edits and the Gantt Chart view
  • Streamline software development with your own wiki and a powerful issue tracker
  • Build interactive reports and access project templates to manage projects more effectively
  • Add invoicing and CRM functionalities to manage processes through and through in one place
  • Enjoy enterprise-grade control with SSO, private cloud, premium support and more
  • Integrate third-party platforms such as Google Drive, Google calendar, One Drive, Outlook, etc. 

  • Share accounts easily with different services 

  • Store your contacts and leads with CRM

And if you're a non-profit or education company, you could be eligible to access some of these advanced features for free! The mobile application is available on iOS and Android. With a good quality-price ratio, this is undoubtedly the solution that every team should give a try!

Its benefits

An intuitive way to manage everything

Free unlimited projects, tasks, storage & users

Powerful premium applications to add functionalities

Certifications:ISO 27001

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Appvizer's opinion

What about our opinion on Freedcamp? There are many different task management software available on the internet, but Freedcamp is the solution. It's easy to use and you should not forget that it's free for its basic features. By using this tool, it will be easier for you to manage your project and all the team working on it. Whether you're in the office, at home, or anywhere else, Freedcamp offers you the possibility to always follow the evolution of your project.

Freedcamp - Freedcamp Dashboard
Freedcamp - Freedcamp Dashboard
Freedcamp - Freedcamp Dashboard
Freedcamp - Freedcamp Task List
Freedcamp - Freedcamp Task Search
Freedcamp - Freedcamp Views
Freedcamp - Freedcamp Appstore

Freedcamp: its rates

/month /user
/month /user
/month /user

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