Public Relations (PR) software: purchase guide
What is online PR software?
Managing one's brand image is a key success factor for any company. Some PR software like Babbler allows you to do this by connecting you directly with the influencers or journalists who will relay your messages.
PR software also allows you to monitor your activity by generating dashboards and reports in real-time.
How does it work?
It is a functional tool with the necessary modules to reinforce the external communication of a company or brand. Via a platform hosted on a third-party computer, it is possible to manage all the workflows related to this business. The software, therefore, takes care of contact management, the sending of e-mails, and real-time monitoring of the impact of these actions on the e-reputation of the brand.
The PR tool is available in several versions. Free programmes, for example, can be downloaded to the communication manager's computer. Cloud-based solutions allow online data to be centralised.