eCommerce Software

E-commerce has become an essential sales channel for companies today. E-commerce platforms allow you to increase your sales by creating an online store with a payment portal for your customers. Online shop, catalogue management, customer relationship and payment management, discover the marketing software that will support your future growth.

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Paid version from €25.00 /month

This eCommerce software is designed to streamline online sales, with features such as inventory management, order tracking and customer data analysis.

With Commerce Cloud, businesses can easily manage their online store, from tracking inventory levels to fulfilling orders. The software also provides valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences, helping businesses make data-driven decisions to enhance their online sales.

Read our analysis about Commerce Cloud
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Online platform connecting buyers and sellers for easy and secure transactions. Multiple payment options and dispute resolution system.

Origami Marketplace simplifies the buying and selling process by providing a user-friendly platform for secure transactions. Buyers can easily find products from trusted sellers and pay using various methods, while sellers can manage their listings and resolve disputes through the built-in system.

Read our analysis about Origami Marketplace Benefits of Origami Marketplace

All-in-one, adaptable / scalable turnkey solution

Monthly plan, no commission on sales

Rapid deployment, support and multi-currency

Learn more To Origami Marketplace product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

Paid version from €99.00 /month

eCommerce software that optimizes pricing based on competitors, stock levels and sales data.

This software allows eCommerce businesses to stay competitive by constantly adjusting prices based on market changes, stock levels, and sales data. It also provides analytics to help businesses make informed pricing decisions.

Read our analysis about Boostmyshop App Benefits of Boostmyshop App


Watch competition

Interactive dashboard

Learn more To Boostmyshop App product page

Enhances customer experiences through data integration, analysis, and personalisation.

Bloomreach offers a dynamic Customer Data Platform (CDP) designed to unify customer data across various touchpoints. It enables organisations to enrich customer experiences through advanced analysis and tailored personalisation strategies. Key features include data integration, machine learning-driven insights, and real-time customer engagement capabilities.

Read our analysis about Bloomreach Benefits of Bloomreach

Leverage AI and marketing intelligence to reach customers

Easily manage your pages and sites with visual editors

Understand your audience with key analytics

Learn more To Bloomreach product page

Streamline your eCommerce operations with our software's inventory management, order processing, and customer data tracking features.

Atoo-Sync GesCom simplifies your eCommerce business by allowing you to easily manage your stock levels, process orders in a timely manner, and keep track of customer data to improve your marketing strategies. With our software, you can increase efficiency and improve customer satisfaction.

Read our analysis about Atoo-Sync GesCom Benefits of Atoo-Sync GesCom

Automation - Secure - Easy to use - Intuitive

ROI - Quick Setup - Customizable

Numerous compatibilities - Support in France

Learn more To Atoo-Sync GesCom product page
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eCommerce software for online businesses with customisable themes, multi-store management, and mobile responsiveness.

With Magento, businesses can easily manage multiple stores, customise themes to fit their brand, and ensure a seamless mobile shopping experience for customers. Its robust features make it a top choice for online retailers looking to optimise their eCommerce platform.

Read our analysis about Adobe Commerce
Learn more To Adobe Commerce product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

Paid version from €39.00 /month

Powerful eCommerce software for online businesses. Easy to use with customizable templates and a variety of payment options.

New Oxatis offers a range of features to help businesses succeed online. With its user-friendly interface, even those without technical expertise can create professional-looking online stores. The software also allows for customization with a range of templates to choose from.

Read our analysis about New Oxatis
Learn more To New Oxatis product page

Manage your online store with ease. Add products, track orders, and accept payments effortlessly with this eCommerce software.

With a user-friendly interface, this software allows you to customise your store's design, manage customer data, and integrate with popular payment gateways. Its SEO tools and multi-language support make it a top choice for businesses of all sizes.

Read our analysis about Prestashop
Learn more To Prestashop product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

Paid version from US$29.00 /month

This eCommerce software offers a user-friendly platform to create online stores. It includes various themes, payment gateways, and shipping options.

With Shopify, you can easily manage products, orders, and customer data. Its SEO features and marketing tools help increase visibility and sales. The software also integrates with third-party apps for added functionality.

Read our analysis about Shopify
Learn more To Shopify product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

Paid version from €99.00 /month

eCommerce software with advanced inventory management, real-time data analysis and customer profiling features.

With Y2 On Demand, retailers can manage their inventory across multiple channels, track sales and customer behavior in real-time, and create personalized promotions based on customer profiles. The software's intuitive interface makes it easy to use and optimize for maximum efficiency.

Read our analysis about Yourcegid Retail Y2 On Demand
Learn more To Yourcegid Retail Y2 On Demand product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

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Boost your online sales with powerful eCommerce software. Manage your inventory, orders, and payments seamlessly.

With ZielCommerce, you can easily create a stunning online store that is mobile-responsive and SEO-friendly. The software integrates with popular payment gateways and offers real-time shipping rates. You can also track your sales performance and customer behaviour with detailed reports and analytics.

Read our analysis about Ubiliz Benefits of Ubiliz

One time payment process

Readymade Solution with 100% Customizable

Developers build native android and IOS app

Learn more To Ubiliz product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

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eCommerce software with website builder, payment processing, and shipping integrations.

Create a professional online store with ease using the website builder. Seamlessly integrate payment processing and shipping options to streamline the buying process for customers.

Read our analysis about GoDaddy
Learn more To GoDaddy product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

Paid version from €149.00 /month

eCommerce software that simplifies inventory management, payment processing, and order fulfilment for online businesses.

With automated order tracking and customisable payment options, this software helps businesses streamline their operations and maximise revenue. Its user-friendly interface and real-time analytics make it easy to track sales and stay on top of inventory.

Read our analysis about Multiply Benefits of Multiply

Win the Buy Box (the smart way)

Maximize your sales and margins

One solution for all your channels

Learn more To Multiply product page
Free versionFree trialFree demo

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Optimises eCommerce ops with data analytics, CRM integration, and seamless inventory management.

ECOPLAN ProLine stands out as an all-encompassing eCommerce solution designed to streamline online retail operations. It involves advanced data analytics for improved decision-making, integrated customer relationship management to enhance user engagement, and smooth inventory management systems to keep stock levels optimised at all times. This software supports eCommerce platforms in maximising efficiency and nurturing customer satisfaction.

Read our analysis about ECOPLAN ProLine
Learn more To ECOPLAN ProLine product page

An innovative eCommerce platform offering end-to-end retail solutions.

Wishibam is an advanced eCommerce software designed to streamline the retail process for businesses of all sizes. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools that support inventory management, customer relationship management, and integrated payment options, aiming to enhance the online shopping experience. With its user-friendly interface and powerful analytics, Wishibam helps businesses optimise their sales strategy and boost their online presence.

Read our analysis about wishibam Benefits of wishibam


retail up

already working with major players

Learn more To wishibam product page

eCommerce software: purchase guide

What is an e-commerce platform?


E-commerce software is a complete solution that makes it easy to manage the many components of the online sales process to provide an optimal shopping experience for customers. The platform specifically includes:

  • The creation of an e-commerce site 
  • Payment service platforms
  • Subscription management
  • Customer service 

Some of the main tools: Prestashop, Oxatis, Shopify, Magento

How it works

E-commerce software allows you to create your e-commerce site without using a very costly external service provider. All the IT tools necessary to create your shop are accessible from the tool's web interface:

  • An e-commerce CMS to create your shop
  • An order management software: payments, stocks and deliveries
  • A solution for managing customer accounts and loyalty programs
  • A tool for managing memos and notifications
  • A communication tool: livechat, chatbot
  • Etc.

In the form of configurable plug-ins, you select the feature sets needed to manage your online business and add more according to your needs.

These complete solutions support you throughout the entire process: from the first mock-up, to the online launch and maintenance of your platform.

Publishers generally include web hosting of data and site outsourcing. However, you can choose a cloud host (public, private).

What are the main features of an e-commerce platform?

Create an online shop

CMS (content management systems) as Joomla allow you to create a website. CMS E-commerce allow you to create or transform your website into an online store. The tool's features include: 

  • The online publication of references: writing a description, SEO optimization (natural referencing), photo, import of a catalogue
  • The creation of a showcase site from customizable blocks, a template (responsive design) imported or from the tool's library
  • The definition of a tree structure to organize the site's content
  • The implementation of a search engine with operating rules, filters and sorting

Web design tools allow you to improve the ergonomics of the site, your brand image and your e-reputation.

Other modules manage all the key steps of the conversion channel:

  • The payment service and the different means proposed
  • The customer account and associated loyalty programs
  • Customer service (and technical support) with the setting up of a chatbot, a notice and feedback manager, a blog or a newsletter

Manage your e-commerce site

On his back office, the e-merchant has a dashboard on which he obtains graphs, statistics and other performance indicators (KPIs) in order to analyse his e-business:

  • It follows the user path page by page, identifies those that discourage Internet users
  • It analyzes its traffic and sales
  • It segments its audience
  • Etc.

Other functionalities allow you to manage the activity of your site:

  • Update your catalogue
  • Manage promotional campaigns: by product or family, from a certain amount, etc.
  • Manage stocks or dropshipping
  • Manage deliveries: maximum dimensions per package, delivery options, delivery area by carrier, etc.

Interoperability with IT tools

Integrated into your information system, the merchant site allows you to simplify and centralize certain processes:

  • With your ERP you manage your stocks and warehouses, automate your accounting, manage the sending of invoices, your product information (PIM) etc.
  • With your CRM, you synchronize your customer file and automate your marketing actions (emailing for example)
  • With your marketplace, you can update your product sheets online
  • With your social networks, you unify the management of your promotional campaigns
  • Etc.

Who uses an e-commerce platform in SaaS?

Mostly popular in BtoC, online sales are nowadays essential in BtoB. All structures (Start up, VSE, SME, large group), with or without physical stores, are impacted. All sectors are concerned: primary, secondary, tertiary.

Internally, these solutions are mainly used for webmarketing services, digital communication and other e-commerce managers who manage the catalogue, digital strategy and use marketing tools.

Small structures will be able to use a service provider (Web agency) who will create the e-commerce site based on specifications.

Why use an online e-commerce platform?

The online sales site allows all merchants to quickly create an online store without constraints. However, it has some disadvantages.


  • With an optimized sales site, you improve customer loyalty and improve your conversion rates
  • Some plug-ins like WooCommerce allow you to transform your site into an e-commerce store
  • Possibility to manage several sites on an interface with the "multi-shops" function 
  • The scalability of the solutions anticipates new consumption patterns. Lately, the use of virtual reality to allow Internet users to "test" the product
  • Easy to learn software that does not require any special computer knowledge
  • Fully customizable software that allows you to create a 100% custom shop: theme, catalog, payment, shipping, etc.
  • In most cases, the platforms have a quality support service that supports you in the development of your shop
  • Application security (SSL certificate, etc.) and service availability (SLA)


  • Managing several hundred references manually can be difficult.
  • Not all online sales platforms are SEO friendly. Not being visible on search engines can quickly become problematic
  • Quite limited functionalities in terms of creating and maintaining a blog. Difficult to compete with Wordpress

How to choose your e-commerce platform?

Choosing the right e-commerce solution such as OGUST Selfservice, Yourcegid Retail Y2 On Demand or ShopModule requires a clear understanding of what you need. A Wordpress site can be enough for a small shop. If you are considering complex features and high sales volumes then you need a more appropriate tool. This should allow you to connect with other ecommerce sites to distribute your product catalogue (cdiscount, amazon, ebay, etc.). It must be able to manage the shopping cart, online payment, and invoicing.

Find all our articles in our guide on e-commerce.

eCommerce softwares: Q&A

eCommerce software enables businesses to sell products or services online. It provides a platform to manage product listings, customer information, and payment processing. It also integrates with shipping carriers to automate order fulfilment.

Look for features such as a user-friendly interface, secure payment processing, mobile optimization, and integration with third-party apps. Additionally, consider features such as inventory management, shipping and tax calculation, and customer reviews and ratings.

eCommerce offers several benefits, including increased revenue, reduced overhead costs, access to a wider customer base, and the ability to track customer behaviour and preferences. Additionally, eCommerce offers greater flexibility in terms of when and where customers can make purchases.

There are several top eCommerce software options, such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce. Each platform offers unique features and benefits based on your business needs, budget, and technical expertise.

Some free eCommerce software alternatives include OpenCart, PrestaShop, and osCommerce. These platforms offer basic features such as product listings, payment processing, and shipping integration. However, they may lack advanced features such as mobile optimization and third-party app integration.