Will the DataDock indicators still be relevant in 2024, when Qualiopi comes into being?

Does DataDock still exist?
In the age of Qualiopi certification, many training organisations are asking themselves this question. It has to be said that the two systems of reference appear to be very similar in their approach to quality, and both require compliance with a multitude of criteria in order to obtain public or shared funding.
To help you understand the difference between them, this article looks at the DataDock indicators and explains how they differ (or not!) from those of Qualiopi.
Finally, we shed some light on the real steps you need to take in 2024 if you want your training to be reimbursed.
What is DataDock referencing?
DataDock refers to an online database created in 2017 by the main funders of vocational training.
Set up when the decree of 30 June 2015 on the quality of continuing vocational training came into force, it listed organisations that met predefined quality standards .
Any training providers wishing to do so could register on DataDock by submitting an application. Their objective? To demonstrate that they met :
- 6 quality criteria;
- themselves broken down into 21 indicators.
In this way (until 1 January 2022, when Qualiopi comes into force), they open themselves up to funding from OPCAs and other public bodies, a real advantage in attracting learners.
☝️ It should be pointed out, however, that the procedure was declaratory. All that was required was to answer questions on an online form and then submit a few items of evidence. Random checks were then carried out. There was a certain flexibility in the approach, which explains the introduction of Qualiopi...
💡 Note: there was no such thing as a DataDock label or certification, as it was only a listing!
What are the DataDock criteria and indicators?
To give you a better idea of what DataDock involves, here are the various criteria and indicators that had to be met 👉.
Criterion 1: Precise identification of the training objectives and their adaptation to the audience being trained
- Indicator 1.1: ability of the training provider to produce a detailed programme for its entire offering or for its tailor-made programme, and to express it in terms of the professional skills or competencies targeted.
- Indicator 1.2: ability of the Training Office to provide information on how to customise the pathways offered, to take into account the specific characteristics of individuals and to determine the pre-requisites.
- Indicator 1.3: ability of the training provider to describe and attest to the adaptation of the teaching methods to the training objectives.
- Indicator 1.4: ability of the training office to describe the procedures for positioning on entry and assessment on exit.
Criterion 2 : Adaptation of reception, pedagogical monitoring and assessment systems to trainee populations
- Indicator 2.1: Ability of the training centre to describe the induction and support procedures.
- Indicator 2.2: capacity of the OF to describe the conformity and adaptation of its premises.
- Indicator 2.3 : capacity of the OF to describe its own continuous assessment process.
- Indicator 2.4: capacity of the training office to describe the methods used to monitor trainee attendance adapted to the different teaching formats.
- Indicator 2.5: ability of the training office to describe the continuous assessment of trainee learning.
Criterion 3 : Adequacy of teaching, technical and supervisory resources in relation to the training offered.
- Indicator 3.1: ability of the training office to describe the resources and materials made available to trainees.
- Indicator 3.2: ability of the Training Organisation to describe its teaching and technical resources.
Criterion 4 : Professional qualifications and ongoing training of training staff
- Indicator 4.1: capacity of the OF to produce and update a database of experience and qualifications of trainers.
- Indicator 4.2: capacity of the OF to certify the continuing training actions of the body of trainers or the independent trainer.
- Indicators 4.3 : capacity of the OF to produce references (BtoB framework).
Criterion 5 : Conditions for informing the public about the training on offer, its access times and the results obtained.
- Indicator 5.1 : propensity/capacity of the OF to communicate on its training offer.
- Indicator 5.2: OF's capacity to produce performance indicators.
- Indicator 5.3: capacity of the training office to enter into contracts with funders.
- Indicator 5.4: capacity of the OF to describe its market perimeter(s).
Criterion 6 : Taking account of feedback from trainees
- Indicator 6.1 : capacity of the training office to produce systematic and formalised evaluations of training activities among trainees.
- Indicator 6.2: capacity of the training office to describe the methods used to gather information on the impact of actions from those who prescribe the action.
- Indicator 6.3: ability of the Training Office to share the results of evaluations with stakeholders (trainers, trainees, funders, prescribers) as part of a continuous improvement process.
What is the difference between DataDock and Qualiopi?
Criteria and indicators
Ultimately, DataDock and Qualiopi have the same objective: to guarantee the quality of training organisations. In fact, there are many common criteria, such as those relating to pedagogical engineering.
However, the Qualiopi reference system is more comprehensive , with 32 indicators grouped into 7 criteria.
It covers more fields by adding, grouping and developing indicators relating to themes such as :
- prevention of abandonment
- monitoring
- inclusion of learners with disabilities ;
- dissemination of training;
- evaluating the achievement of objectives, etc.
☝️ Qualiopi is therefore going one step further by drawing up these more demanding "specifications", guaranteeing a higher level of expected quality and taking greater account of the specific characteristics of the public.
In terms of the process
But where Qualiopi differs even more from DataDock is in its approach to obtaining certification (because yes, certification there is), the precious sesame that now opens the door to public or mutualised funds.
👉 More specifically, since 1 January 2022, OFs are required to :
- carry out a paid audit with a certifying body in order to obtain the label (as opposed to the simple online declaration that used to be the case);
- carry out a surveillance audit, between the 14th and 22nd month after the initial audit, in order to retain Qualiopi ;
- to carry out a renewal audit after 3 years.
During the procedure, an external party (accredited by France Compétences and COFRAC) will visit the organisation to check that it is complying with the quality criteria.
Finally, one last major change: whereas previously DataDock referencing was ad vitam eternam, the surveillance and renewal audits imposed by Qualiopi ensure that quality levels are maintained over time.
💡 Good to know: as the process has become more complex, some OFs prefer to rely on solutions such as e-parcours, software dedicated to the complete management of training organisations and developed by Axess. The tool is designed to help you comply with Qualiopi quality criteria on a daily basis. Above all, you benefit from solid support from Axess experts in obtaining and maintaining certification.
What about DataDock in 2024?
So what is the purpose of DataDock today?
Well, to monitor 🕵️.
In fact, the GIE D²OF (Groupement d'Intérêt Économique Datadock OF), which holds the reins of DataDock financing, continues to play a role in carrying out inspections relating to the quality of the training organisations it covers.
👉 These inspections involve :
- either factual checks: to ensure that the sums committed are actually used for the original purpose of the training activities ;
- or quality controls: to ensure that the Qualiopi criteria are met for the training courses funded.
In short, even if you are Qualiopi certified, you may still be subject to a DataDock inspection. However, there's no need to put together a DataDock file just yet, because from now on Qualiopi will indeed prevail when it comes to obtaining funding.
💡 Good to know: there's no need to look for a list of DataDock-referenced organisations ! Instead, refer to the Liste Publique des Organismes de Formation (L.6351-7-1 of the French Labour Code). Those who obtain Qualiopi are automatically added to it.
In conclusion, DataDock or Qualiopi?
Both, sir!
At present, only Qualiopi can be used to fund training courses, and it is even more demanding. While the number of indicators has increased, the emphasis has shifted from declarative to demonstrative, a sign of greater objectivity in the supervision of quality.
Nevertheless, DataDock is not dead! The group will continue to carry out checks, from now on for training providers with the Qualiopi label.
Article translated from French

Currently Editorial Manager, Jennifer Montérémal joined the Appvizer team in 2019. Since then, she's been putting her expertise in web copywriting, copywriting and SEO optimisation to work for the company, with her sights set on reader satisfaction 😀 !
A medievalist by training, Jennifer took a short break from fortified castles and other manuscripts to discover her passion for content marketing. She took away from her studies the skills expected of a good copywriter: understanding and analysing the subject, conveying the information, with a real mastery of the pen (without systematically resorting to a certain AI 🤫).
An anecdote about Jennifer? She stood out at Appvizer for her karaoke skills and her boundless knowledge of musical dreck 🎤.