Scrum artefacts, 3 pillars for running an effective team sprint

Scrum artefacts are key components of the Scrum framework, which is one of the most commonly used agile project management methods for web and software development .
These artefacts contribute to the smooth running of the Scrum methodology, thanks to the fluid and clear transmission of information and the transparency of the work carried out.
What are Scrum artefacts? And how do they fit into the Scrum method? Here's an overview of these pillars, which are essential to the efficiency of your sprints!
Scrum artefacts: definition
Scrum artefacts are elements that enable the Scrum framework to function, in accordance with the principles and practices that are part of the DNA of agility. There are 3 of them:
- the sprint backlog
- the product backlog
- the product increment.
Following the Scrum method, these artefacts take the form of lists whose purpose is to :
- show how work is progressing
- represent the achievement of objectives
- describe the team's progress,
within a standardised, up-to-date framework that everyone can understand.
Artefacts are markers in the product creation process and provide the same level of information to everyone involved in project management. They help to improve the progress of sprints and the quality of results.
Let's decipher them one by one to find out what they are all about:
The 3 Scrum artefacts
The product backlog
The product backlog is an ordered and prioritised list of all the functionalities that make up the product. It contains all the requirements gathered to develop the product:
- user stories
- features
- bug fixes
- improvements, etc.
Although the product backlog can be consulted by any member of the team, the product owner is the person who has full responsibility for it. He/she is responsible for prioritising the elements of the backlog in conjunction with the team, according to several parameters:
- business value
- the degree of risk
- desired delivery date, etc.
The product backlog is open-ended: it will be constantly readjusted throughout the project, in line with requirements, taking care to prioritise all the most important tasks.
⚙️ It can be managed using agile project management software, for agile and efficient monitoring in a collaborative mode.
The Sprint backlog
The Sprint backlog is a list containing the technical specifications for the tasks to be carried out by the development team during a given period (sprint).
Each item on the list has been selected by the product owner and must be developed and tested by the end of the current sprint.
⚙️ This can be managed in the form of a task management board, using a Kanban board for example.
The Product Increment
In Scrum, the increment corresponds to all the items in the product backlog that have been completed during the current sprint.
To monitor this list effectively, it's essential to agree as a team on the meaning of a "completed item". The Scrum master can ensure that the definition is harmonised within the team.
The 3 complementary concepts
The User story
Written by the Product Owner, sometimes assisted by the Scrum Master, a User Story is a tool used to simply describe a user need.
It enables the need to be expressed clearly and in a user-oriented way, in order to find the feature or features that will satisfy it, and to better define the priorities of the product backlog.
Each story includes the following elements
- the profile of the user concerned (As...),
- their need (I would like to...),
- the objective (in order to...).
💡 The User story is not used exclusively in Scrum, but also as part of other agile methods, such as eXtreme programming.
Story points
Story points are units of measurement used to assess the effort required to complete user stories, in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 (from simplest to most complex).
💡 The use of points is generally preferred to an estimate in hours.
Definition of Done
The Definition of Done (DoD) is a list of validation criteria used to ensure that a User story is "done", i.e. considered to be truly finished.
It's up to the development team to agree on this checklist, depending on the context and the type of product being developed.
💡 Delivery of any US that does not comply with each of these criteria cannot be guaranteed.
You now have a basic understanding of scrum artefacts and their fundamental principles. Now it's up to you to activate their potential by implementing them in your agile project management!
Article translated from French