Real alternatives to SAP

SAP is certainly the best-known and most widely used ERP software. But while it has its qualities, it also has its limitations. That's why various publishers are offering an alternative. It's up to you to find the one that's right for you. Read all our tips on ERP.
The great SAP also has its limits
If SAP is the benchmark, it's not for nothing. As one of the leading publishers of management software, it is present in a large number of companies. So much so that mastering it is becoming a valued skill on a CV. That says a lot... but it also shows that it's not easy to use.
If your business is global, it has to comply with different legislation, in different currencies. These requirements directly concern your ERP. If it is capable of handling them, the operational gain is real. If it can't, you'll spend more time reprocessing data and run the risk of errors. SAP, with its standardised processes, helps you to meet the various requirements: taxes, exchange rates, etc.
Not very friendly
While SAP has its qualities, it also has its faults. With its austere interface, it has nothing in common with today's user-friendly solutions. The visual appearance of software is directly linked to its ergonomics. A laborious solution becomes anything but intuitive. Self-training is therefore inconceivable. When you talk about training, you talk about the time it takes for employees to get to grips with the tool. And then it's the whole structure that is affected, with the occasional slowdown in the company's productivity as a backdrop.
Choosing SAP as your ERP means embarking on a journey that rarely ends. First of all, there's the installation phase, when you have to configure the solution to suit your business (or sometimes vice versa, unfortunately!). Then it's time for all your departments to get to grips with it. This is followed by workflow management and in-house testing. And very quickly, updates and maintenance, the costs of which are not negligible, are still required (with a few exceptions).
Alternatives to SAP
With this in mind, a number of publishers have launched their own solutions. Each has positioned itself in its own way, in areas not covered by SAP. So, depending on the profile of your company, its activity or its sector, some may be a better specialist response to your needs.
Ogust for personal services activities
Ogust specialises in personal services, in particular childcare, cleaning, home help, lessons, etc. The solution is built entirely with this in mind, in particular with a tailored worker management tool. The tool takes into account the stages of recruitment, issuing employment contracts and payroll, and considers the skills and schedules of each individual. With its recently launched marketplace module (Ogustine Franchise), the publisher goes so far as to offer on-line sales of services, with a dedicated site and the option of online payment and booking.
Odoo sales priority
Odoo is an open source ERP that can be upgraded and configured. Ideally suited to business models whose added value is based on sales, it enables you to manage multi-channel distribution in real time. Let's say you have a shop, but you also sell on your own website and on a marketplace such as Amazon: you wouldn't want to sell the same product twice, because your stock wouldn't be synchronised. With Odoo, there's no risk!
IOvision adapted to international operations
IOvision is a service-oriented ERP that is ideal for international operations. Multi-currency, it facilitates exchanges. Even within a single structure made up of several entities or subsidiaries, for inter-company invoicing. As the publisher is an IT services company, its ability to adapt to your company's own operations is all the greater. In terms of access rights, the solution allows you to control who sees what and who can edit what. This is useful for limiting malfunctions and data insecurity.
Silog ideal for project mode
Silog is designed for project-based activities, whether industrial or trading. The configurator and planner tools optimise work organisation. The Gantt chart, calculation of rates of return and other indicators help to calculate the productivity of the projects carried out. Initially built around CAPM (Computer-Aided Production Management) skills, this software is now comprehensive. And its publisher supports users to ensure they get the hang of it.
Innovative Archipelia for retail
Designed as an archipelago of intelligent applications, Archipelia is a horizontal ERP designed for players in retail, trade and production. Its logistics module is particularly well-suited to all aspects of e-commerce. And its cash register 2.0 tool greatly facilitates the flow of sales and stock inventories.
Zéphir, excellence in HR
Originally an HR (Human Resources) solution, Zéphir offers a comprehensive, cutting-edge ERP for personnel management. Its EDM (Electronic Document Management) encourages collaborative working within teams. Internal messaging systems and the dematerialisation of procedures such as holiday requests, reduce internal workflows, for smoother operations.
If there is one thing that all these alternatives have in common, it is their attractive price. To challenge SAP, these publishers are aiming to be more accessible. Lower costs, for solutions that are often more relevant to their niche... so you might as well have a look!
Article translated from French