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Just In! The top news of the web- Week 44

Just In! The top news of the web- Week 44

By Kishana Citadelle

Published: 5 November 2021

Are you too busy to keep up with the latest business updates? No worries, Appvizer's editors have done it for you! In the HR and Tech press today, you’ll find out about Facebook’s new metaverse, artificial intelligence, whether virtual reality will be the future of our professional training? Here is a press review between fiction and reality.


👋 Say goodbye to Facebook and say hello to Metaverse

Based on Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel, could this new universe known as Metaverse help us escape our dystopian reality? Well, depending on where you stand, it is now part of our daily and is supposed to facilitate movement between different devices and communicate virtually.

Read the article on the Verge

🖥️ The global software market: Its prediction for 2026

We are all aware of the evident and inevitable growth of technology, and particularly our daily use of it. Well this article depicts the evolution and the presence, and it would change businesses and users alike.

Read the article on Yahoo to find out more.

#Customer Experience

🤖 McDonald’s goal to switch to automated voice

Is the automated voice at McDonald’s really our foreseeable future? 

I know our McDonald’s experience includes the person who is behind the voice at our drive-thru, but there are also benefits to this change and check out more.

Read the article on Tech Times.


🤔 Are robots really coming for the restaurant world?

It seems like it is a probability, with big food chains like McDonald’s, Arby’s and Sonic already automating certain tasks. Do you think you could work with robots, or are you skeptical? This article explains everything that awaits, and it might not be that bad. 

Read the article in the morning brew

🤖 Could an open-source intelligence be the new trend in recruitment?

What do you say about a tool known as Open-Source Intelligence that can help you seek out a candidate’s most valuable information for your company and preventing the risk of hiring the wrong match?

Click on HR news to find out more.

🖥️ Fired and hired by AI?

The subject of AI has been very questionable, and now it seems to be taking people’s career by force of whether it is normal to rely so much on technology or is there some sort of positive aspects to it.

Check out the BBC article

# Accounting

🥸 The vision of AI in accounting: what's next?

Long gone are the days of HAL in Space Odyssey, with AI coming a long and effectively becoming a game changer for accounting. Check out the article in Ideamotive to find out more