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3 B2B web tracking solutions to generate more leads from your website

3 B2B web tracking solutions to generate more leads from your website

By Grégory Coste.

Published: 24 October 2024

B2B web tracking is a digital marketing approach that involves identifying visitors to a website and observing their behaviour. Companies detect the hottest prospects and push targeted offers of products or services based on the centres of interest observed.

Using a web tracking solution is one of the best ways of generating leads from your site. It's a powerful prospecting tool to help your sales team sign up more customers. Need a guide? appvizer gives you the keys:

A glossary of web tracking definitions

To help you choose your B2B web tracking tool, we'd like to give you a few definitions in an essential glossary: understanding web tracking and its solutions will show you why it's worth investing in such a tool.

Definition of web tracking

The English term web tracking literally means "web tracking" in French.

Web tracking is a B2B internet marketing technique that enables you to :

  • detect lead opportunities not captured by online forms
  • identify visitors to a website,
  • observe their browsing behaviour on the site,
  • analyse the links clicked and the pages visited,
  • measure the time spent on each web page,
  • qualify their centres of interest by compiling information,
  • compile statistics on visits, interests and browsing,
  • segment the various marketing targets,
  • Scoring each visitor, assigning a maturity rating in the purchasing process,
  • offer visitors a personalised experience and sales offers,
  • streamline marketing and sales efforts.

B2B web tracking works using a process called a website tracker, which tracks cookies and the IP address corresponding to a visitor. Technically, it is a tracking code that is installed on each page of your website, or javascript code.

Solutions and benefits for digital marketing

Used appropriately, B2B web tracking offers a whole range of useful solutions for companies, both in terms of marketing and sales.

Here are the main solutions offered by B2B web tracking, followed by their definitions:

  • Behavioural scoring: identifying a visitor by name makes it possible to observe their behaviour on the website, and then to determine how their behaviour and maturity in the buying process evolves by assigning them a score;

  • A file of qualified leads: the prospects identified represent new business opportunities that can form the basis of your prospecting file, or be added to it;

  • Detection of business signals for sales representatives: sales teams receive automatic alerts as soon as a visitor's action reflecting a real opportunity is detected;

  • Email retargeting for the lead nurturing of certain cold prospects: certain visitors who have left their email address are not yet ready to buy; a marketing automation scenario (emailing suite) nurtures and supports the nurturing process in a targeted and personalised way, right through to the purchase decision;

  • Optimising online advertising campaigns: by analysing the keywords on your site that generate traffic (in terms of SEO, search engine optimisation, or natural referencing in the results of search engines such as Google) and cross-referencing them with the data gathered on your visitors' behaviour (conversion, purchase, download, etc.), you can identify the most profitable keywords for your advertising investments;

  • Using retargeting with advertising: retargeting allows you, for example, to offer an advert with a personalised message to a visitor who has left your website without buying anything, in order to encourage them to make a more informed decision;

  • Updating your CRM database by cross-checking contact information.

Is B2B web tracking compliant with the RGPD?

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May 2018, web tracking is authorised in B2B: it is based on the legitimate interest of one company to contact another in order to propose commercial offers.

Let's clarify the main guidelines of the RGPD for web tracking in B2B:

  • Legitimate interest in B2B: for example, a crane manufacturer has no legitimate interest in canvassing bakeries to sell them machines, but its canvassing is legitimate with lifting companies for whom a crane is an essential work tool;

  • Keep proof of consent: the RGPD is based on principles of transparency to inspire trust. It is therefore strongly recommended that you obtain the explicit consent of visitors, even B2B visitors, and do so unambiguously by providing information on the purpose of data processing in particular. You are also legally obliged to keep proof of consent;

  • Providing access to data: as a company collecting data from visitors to your website, you must give these professionals the opportunity to access their data and exercise their rights (information, modification, deletion or portability of data);

  • Email communication: if opt-in or opt-out is possible, access to the data is compulsory and the interest must be legitimate.

3 tools for tracking visitors to your B2B website

Here are a few tools you need to know about to successfully track new prospects on your website.

Salezeo's Visiblee solution

Visiblee offers an innovative lead generation solution. The quality of the leads is excellent.

Alain Garnier, CEO Jamespot

3 key points to be aware of :

  • assigning a maturity score to each prospect,
  • lead nurturing for cold prospects using an email retargeting process,
  • Artificial intelligence enriches the information gathered on the web with a B2B database of over 4 million contacts.

RGPD compliance:
A DPO (Data Protection Officer) has been officially appointed at Salezeo. The Visiblee tool complies with the RGPD: for example, consents are collected via a banner on the website and proof of IP consents is kept. The rules concerning emailing are respected and contacts have access to their data in accordance with the rules.

Cartégie's Lead the Way service

Thanks to this information, which can be used directly by our teams, we have been able to be much more relevant in our approach and target our customers with precision.

Valentine Vidal, Marketing Manager, Sennheiser France.

3 key points to be aware of :

  • integrating data into your CRM,
  • Cartégie's Data expertise,
  • sales-oriented artificial intelligence.

RGPD compliance:
A DPO (Data Protection Officer) has been officially appointed at Cartégie. For its part, Groupe Cartégie is also providing all the guarantees of its compliance and its Lead the Way solution to users, as of 25 May 2018. The collection and processing of data attest to lawful criteria and a committed confidentiality and security process that complies with the RGPD.

GetQuanty, the new Getplus tool (webleads tracker)

GetQuanty enables us to find out who the prospects are who visit our Toshiba site so that we can retarget them via newsletter mailings.

Sonia MORAND, Marketing and Communications Director, TOSHIBA

3 key points to know :

  • 40 criteria to refine your customer profiles,
  • advanced lead scoring analysis algorithm,
  • interoperability with numerous marketing applications.

RGPD compliance:
A DPO (data protection officer) has been officially appointed and monitors internal processes. Consent management GetQuanty is a Big Data solution that collects, processes and manages retargeting campaigns. In this context, our service collects data that can be WITH (optin) or WITHOUT (optout) consent. Companies can use GetQuanty to collect opt-in or opt-out data, but we strongly recommend opt-in: it makes it easier to set up and manage data access rights.

Comparison of B2B web tracking solutions

Here is a table summarising the 3 tools presented in this article:

Comparison of 3 B2B web tracking tools
Solution Noted asset Users RGPD compliance

Optimisation of the sales tunnel (lead nurturing)

SMEs and large companies (> 5,000 employees): BNP PARIBAS, Microsoft, Taxis G7, SaaStr, Moët & Chandon.

Lead the Way

Data expertise

Large companies: e-tailers, Oxatis, Studyrama, Groupe Aquitem, bpifrance.


Lead scoring algorithm

VSEs, SMEs and companies such as Orange Business Services, Lascom, Everwin, Weber, Dassault.

Tips for engaging your target audience

To achieve results in terms of conversion, a company needs to work on ways of engaging its target audience on its website. The aim: to get visitors to fill in their details on a form.

Whatever their sector or profession, professionals need information and resources to guide them. The communication on your website must therefore focus on the concerns of your potential customers.

To respond to these concerns and help visitors move through the sales tunnel, you need to provide your audience with useful content such as demonstration videos, testimonials, a newsletter packed with practical advice, etc.

The best lead generation is therefore based on a content marketing strategy, and becomes more effective when coupled with web tracking techniques.

Example of an action you can take to start web tracking:

Offering contextualised content (related to the content of the web page) on a company blog, such as a white paper to download or a personalised audit, takes users to a more mature stage in their purchasing journey and encourages them to fill in the form to leave their contact details.