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Why an HRIS? The benefits in 9 key points

Why an HRIS? The benefits in 9 key points

By Jennifer Montérémal

Published: 25 October 2024

The benefits of an HRIS are numerous, and can be seen at both operational level (administrative management in particular) and strategic level (talent development, for example). In fact, according to Eurécia, such software can make HR management up to 35% more efficient! And the good news is that the tool is just as beneficial to HR departments as it is to decision-makers and employees.

So why use an HRIS? This article provides a detailed explanation of its various benefits, based on 9 key points.

HRIS: definition

An HRIS (Human Resources Management Information System) is defined as software made up of a set of modules. Its aim is to automate processes linked to Human Resources Management.

It includes a wide range of functions, such as

  • Absence and holiday management,
  • recruitment management
  • payroll management
  • talent management
  • monitoring HR indicators, etc.

Benefit no. 1: time and productivity savings

Ulule has cut the time it takes to process its expense claims by a factor of three and saved ½ day a month on holiday management.

Source : Lucca

The main advantage of HRIS software lies in :

  • centralising data
  • the automation of tasks
  • and the implementation of workflows.

As a result, HR teams reduce the time spent on manual administrative management (processing absences, validating employee requests, sending out payslips, etc.). At the same time, errors associated with manual data entry, on an Excel file for example, are avoided.

☝️ Implementing an HRIS means that HR departments have more bandwidth to concentrate on higher added-value activities, such as :

  • skills management
  • developing human capital
  • or improving well-being in the workplace.

Benefit no. 2: cost savings

Thanks to the time saved, companies can make savings on the cost of administrative management and recruitment, for example.

What's more, digitising HR processes reduces material costs. There is no longer any need to print pay slips: they are scanned directly into the software. Archiving documents in a digital safe saves space on the premises.

☝️ Using less paper is also part of an eco-responsible approach. An HRIS therefore supports the organisation's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, helping to promote a positive image.

Benefit no. 3: smooth flow of information

An HRIS benefits all employees. For example, employees can apply for holiday or consult their pay slips in just a few clicks.

The use of a software application therefore facilitates communication and the circulation of information between the various departments.

Benefit no. 4: better visibility of data

By centralising HR data within a single solution, management can view a large amount of information about employee performance clearly and in real time.

As a genuine management tool, the HRIS enables strategic decisions to be taken.

☝️ In particular, this software can generate HR reports and dashboards (absenteeism rates, staff turnover, individual performance, etc.), which are useful for identifying potential problems.

Benefit no. 5: accessibility and mobility

Most HRIS are available in SaaS (software as a service) mode. As a result, they remain accessible and the data can be consulted anywhere and at any time.

☝️ This advantage is particularly valuable in a context where HRDs and employees alike are increasingly encouraged to work from home.

Benefit no. 6: improved employee follow-up

HR processes are not confined to administrative tasks: they also include the management of human capital, an essential component of a company's performance.

To meet this challenge, HRIS software provides better support for employees. In particular, it supports managers in :

  • monitoring employees' progress and the achievement of their objectives
  • assessing their skills
  • managing training requests
  • improving communication.

☝️ Management and decision-making are made easier and more justified, because they are based on concrete, reliable data.

Benefit no. 7: optimising the employee experience

While better employee monitoring is good for management, it's also good for the employee. The HRIS solution supports them from the moment they are recruited and onboarded within the company.

The software also helps them to develop (in terms of work done, skills, etc.) through talent management modules.

Finally, employees gain in autonomy and productivity: they can easily and quickly manage their administrative requests or prepare their monthly or annual reviews.

☝️ An optimised employee experience means a higher employee retention rate. An HRIS therefore helps to retain talent within the company, a major challenge given the increasing volatility of the workforce.

Benefit no. 8: interoperability and modularity

As a general rule, HRIS systems interface with other solutions on the market. For example, data relating to expense claims can be exported to accounting software to make them easier to process... and save a considerable amount of time!

Secondly, the modularity of HRIS allows Human Resources Departments to choose the software components they need. In this way, they can "build" the tool that best matches their real needs.

☝️ Modular software grows with your business. For example, if your company has only 10 employees today... what will it be like in two years' time?

Benefit no. 9: Compliance with legal constraints

HRIS systems can be configured to help companies comply with various legal constraints:

  • clocking in and out of working hours,
  • specific payroll requirements,
  • RGPD and staff data protection, etc.

What's more, thanks to the scalability offered by most solutions, you can easily adapt to each new standard, avoiding any pitfalls that could be detrimental to your business.

☝️ Many HRIS software publishers regularly monitor the regulatory environment to ensure that current legislation is incorporated into their solutions.

Which HRIS software is right for your company?

Are you convinced by the benefits of an HRIS and want to find your future software? The good news is that there are many different types of solution on the market.

It's up to you to study the different options available to you, based on criteria defined in advance:

  • What functionality do I need?
  • What degree of scalability and customisation is required?
  • What budget can I allocate to get the best ROI?
  • What support and training can I expect? And so on.

For example, you could turn to the EureciaHRIS , which has the advantage of being very comprehensive (it covers all HR processes!), modular and scalable. Comprising 6 modules available "à la carte", it enables companies of all sizes and sectors to build a software solution that perfectly matches their needs and budget. What's more, with Eurécia, you benefit from the support of experts available to solve your problems and help you make the most of the solution .

💡 Find out how to draw up specifications to frame the implementation project for your future solution, as well as examples of HRIS.

And the drawbacks of an HRIS?

In the age of digital transformation, Human Resources Management Information Systems are a major ally for companies.

So what are the risks of an HRIS? Some will point the finger at the disappearance of subjectivity in favour of objective data.

While this may be a good thing in many circumstances, we should bear in mind that software will never replace the human element. A manager's perception of an employee's qualities and skills, a recruiter's feelings about a candidate... human resources is also about emotional intelligence. HRIS provides support... and not the least!