The software revolutionizing business prospecting

BigData, cookies, IP tracking, Lead scoring. If these words are still not very clear to everyone, they are nonetheless increasingly present in the daily business of entrepreneurs and marketers. Many take advantage of leads management software to connect with the right person at the time.
Explanation: our professional work on the Internet has intensified so much these last years that it is now comparable to our real life interactions. The difference is that everything we do online is recorded! All of these traces we leave behind us consist of data that any company with the necessary means can exploit in order to move from prospecting towards all ("push" approach) towards attracting the right prospects ("pull" approach).
Online software which take part in this method are exploding. Here are some to pay attention to.
Plezi: interest in the content
Plezi is an online app which manages the entire Inbound Marketing chain. Upstream of your sales approach, Plezi offers you the option of sharing your white papers, videos, articles and events with your audience in accordance with their details. Once this first contact is completed, Plezi allows its users to carry out relevant marketing scenarios to turn them into clients: personalized emails, landing pages, forms, etc. Plezi allows you to construct a special relationship with your users in accordance with their issues in order to finally offer them your services.
Sparklane, Salezeo and Datananas: hyper-focus of contacts
If you don't have the chance to arrange a substantial audience to immediately create an inbound marketing method, don't panic, there's a solution.
Sparklane is a solution which relies on advances in Big Data technology to automatically offer you qualified leads. Thanks to dozens of criteria, you can select a very qualitative group of potential clients. Sparklane's predictive algorithm carries out a lead scoring (potential evaluation of each prospect) to prioritize and target your prospecting actions. As well as freeing up your sales staff and marketers' time, Sparklane increases your conversions thanks to the appropriateness of the contacts.
Salezeo is an address book with 2 million contacts shared by thousands of users every day. Big Data coupled with Crowd Sourcing guarantees rich and fresh data. Thanks to a tracking code entered on your Website and the IP address of the web users, Salezeo Lead, called Visiblee today, identifies the people who have visited you.
Datananas is a tool which positions itself above the most popular professional social networks: Viadeo, Linkedin. During your navigation, an extra button is added next to the profiles which you are browsing in order to add them to your list of interesting contacts. Datananas then constructs the contact file with valid details.
Sparklane :
- Lead Scoring (predictive algorithm)
- Hyper-targeting of contacts
- Tracking dashboard
Salezeo Lead :
- BtoB contacts base
- 2 million contacts!
- Identification of web users
Datananas :
- Integration into social networks
- Choice of prospects on the fly and on a case-by-case basis
Webikeo : engagement through interactivity
Whether it's on the Web or in real life, there's no purchase activity without trust. Webikeo, thanks to its webinar diffusion platform, is a very powerful way to create relationships with its conferences including up to 1500 participants. Following the conferences, the reviewers can measure the participants' level of satisfaction and collect their contact details.
You don’t Need a CRM: efficient prospecting
Once you have your leads in hand, you need to transform them into business opportunities quickly and You Don't Need a CRM allows you to achieve this objective. This online app which goes against the classic CRMs, structures your approach (on the fly note-taking, status changes, visual sales cycle, etc.). It also offers you the means to sell better: import of qualified contacts, mobile app, reminders, clear stats, syncing with your agenda, etc.
Business prospecting has been marked for the last 2 years by a very sharp decline in Outbound Marketing and cold prospects subject to bad conversion rates. The business relationship is now carried by content marketing and hyper-targeting of prospects. We can thus expect fewer adverts, less solicitation and more offers of relevant services.
A reminder: the CNIL authorizes the sending of emails to professionals without an Opt-in (in other words, without prior agreement) but with information on the behalf of the organization collecting the data. It is however obligatory to offer an easy Opt-out option (to unsubscribe from your lists).