Jamespot : the social network accelerating digital transformation

Corporate vs Personal social networks
In the private sphere
We’re all aware of the successes of private social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter… These channels of communication have become a core part of our daily lives. Merging with our activities, they shape the news we consume via posts, update us and turn us into network actors.
In business
The professional sphere can also gain from social networks. The collaborative intranet was already a way for the company to communicate with staff. With features such as instant messenger, media sharing and EDM – Electronic Document Management - it became progressively richer. Moving more towards interactivity and simultaneousness, the corporate social network appeared.
The corporate social network: a communication space
On a professional basis, the corporate social network intensifies communication and team productivity. We often bemoan weak internal communication in companies and between services. The corporate social network is a transversal tool flying in the face of silos logic.
There are of course emails and group emails, sent to a mailing list. You can exchange the content and reply. However, this framework is neither structured nor ideal. To go forth together, day after day, colleagues need a suitable, collaborative, fluid and user-friendly tool, with a simplified process implementation.
On a corporate social network, everybody can:
- Find the information they need,
- Address a select group of people,
- Look at the report from the last meeting or shared agenda,
- share monitoring to illustrate an approach or develop a research project...
- develop company knowledge,
- develop skills...
Collaborative work is a major aspect
Beyond its practical and functional side, the corporate social network covers the image and visibility aspect. In a professional framework, it serves as a powerful vector of engagement on the side of the management. One of the major challenges facing human resources – both on the global scale and in smaller teams – is mobilisation. Everybody works, offering their time and energy, even on the move. Of course, the manager can commend and reward this work. Even so, the integrated collaborative aspect remains important. On a social network, you are the author of your posts, comments, etc. Others see your contributions and know who to attribute them to. This collective window offers a map of actions and can have very positive effects in terms of recognition.
A company consists of a group of people mobilised around a project. To foster engagement, the company must create a sense of belonging. It can create this through a form of informal culture, through human relationships, habits and customs. Events and celebrations can reinforce it. Co-workers are a community to be energised, and the corporate social network is, in this sense, the ideal tool for internal communication in the age of digital transformation.
In some cases, it may be interesting to open a section of the app to the outside. If it becomes simple and fluid to communicate with your colleagues, why deprive yourself of this aspect with your suppliers and clients? This is what Jamespot offers: a collaborative platform with a customisable scope, to adapt to the needs of your company and its digital strategy.
Jamespot : a global collaborative platform
A French corporate social network
Which to choose from the existing corporate social networks? Facebook has an “at work” version for businesses called “Workplace by Facebook”. In the French corner, we have alternatives - Jamespot is one of them. As a corporate social network, it boasts features such as the directory, newsfeed, etc. The eleven years of experience of the publisher lend to its legitimacy, its efficiency, its expertise in this field and its scope for innovation.
A myriad of apps
The great benefit of Jamespot is the range of business applications that can be integrated into the social network. According to a catalogue, the app store has more than 80 apps, and 80% of them are free - offered with the solution. The user installs the ones that they will use with just one click. The connectors developed by the editor ensure the correct interoperability of the modules. All of the consultants have been delighted with them.
A Do-It-Yourself Approach
Even if your company uses a different tool, there’s no need to change your habits. Jamespot establishes a dynamic gateway toward the third-party solution, and you can find its complete use within the corporate social network. Let’s say that you are excellent at the videoconferencing service “appear.in”, for example, or you use the “Sindup” monitoring tool. The features and the content of these tools will feed and integrate into the corporate social network thanks to the Cloud.
A totally customisable tool
Other applications are available in pay mode, like “Support” which gives your co-workers an exchange space to open a ticket and monitor it. By implementing the array of features in a tailored way, you configure a solution adapted to your needs. The corporate social network adds a social aspect to your existing applications, all while building on your professional ecosystem.
The corporate social network is a powerful lever of operational performance and agility for an organisation. With its rich app catalogue, Jamespot reintroduces local intelligence where processes have sometimes taken over too much.